penguinsAfrican penguins have been declining in abundance for the past century with the decrease becoming faster in recent years. There is concern that if this continues this iconic and well-loved species may become extinct in the near future. The decline is due to a variety of causes.

The Penguin Promises campaign is a WAZA branded project - #15004. It intends to educate people about the conservation of African penguins. A number of organisations nationally work towards this end. Locally these include SANCCOB (the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds), SAMREC (the South African Marine Rehabilitation and Education Centre) at Cape Recife, SAAMBR at uShaka in Durban, Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, BAYWORLD (PE Museum) in Port Elizabeth, Dyer Island Trust in Gansbaai, SANPARKS at Boulders and National Zoo in Pretoria to name but a few. In most years organisations through South Africa affiliated with the Penguin Promises campaign undertake a “penguin waddle” to raise awareness. This initiative is spearheaded by the annual “Waddle for a week” from Gansbaai to Boulders which incorporates all the breeding colonies along this stretch of coastline.
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